We determine prices for standing offers covering electricity retail services in Victoria – Victorian Default Offer prices.
Victorian Default Offer
The Victorian Default Offer is a simple and trusted electricity price that is set by us, not energy companies.
It provides Victorian consumers access to a fair electricity deal even if they are unable or unwilling to engage in the retail market.
We set the default offer each year after assessing the efficient costs retailers need to recover to provide electricity to Victorian customers. The default offer will not necessarily be the lowest price available to you.
Key information about the Victorian Default Offer

Who can ask for the Victorian Default Offer
Most Victorian households and small businesses can ask for a default offer. Small business customers that use less than 40 megawatt hours of electricity per year can also ask to be put on the default offer.
Electricity retailers must make the Victorian Default Offer available to customers who request it, but can continue to offer customers contracts that differ from the default offer, through market offers.
The default offer also acts as a reference price that retailers must use to advertise the discounts on their market offers. This can help customers find the market offer that will give them the best value for money on their electricity use.

The Victorian Default Offer regulates standing offer prices
The default offer we set applies to standing offers. Standing offers are contracts that electricity retailers must provide service under if you:
- never signed up for an electricity contract
- entered into an electricity contract, cancelled the contract within the cooling-off period, but continue to use electricity without entering into another contract
- moved into a new address and use electricity without entering into a contract
- specifically asked for a standing offer or
- moved onto a standing offer after their market offer contract came to an end.
In comparison, market offers are competitive offers set by electricity retailers and may include a discount. We do not set the prices for market offers.
If you are on a market offer, you can request to be moved on to the Victorian Default Offer tariffs, or use the default offer as a comparison point to see if you are getting a good deal. The default offer will not necessarily be the lowest price available to you. We recommend shopping around to find the right retail electricity offer for you.
Find out which offer you're on by asking your energy retailer or checking your bill.

The Victorian Default Offer applies to embedded network customers
Victorian Default Offer prices are now also the new maximum price for all households and most businesses in embedded networks. This change follows our review of the maximum prices embedded networks and other exempt sellers may charge.
You may be in an embedded network if you:
- live in an apartment complex, retirement home or caravan park
- are a small business tenant in a shopping centre.
Current default offer prices
The current tariffs that electricity retailers can charge customers on the Victorian Default Offer apply from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.
The default offer tariffs include a daily supply charge ($ per day) and usage charges ($ per kilowatt hour).
The Victorian Default Offer that is relevant for you depends on your distribution zone. Differences in tariffs across distribution zones reflect the unique costs of providing electricity services in each area. If you're not sure which distribution zone you're in, you can look it up on your electricity bill or view more information on the Victorian Government's energy website.
We released our final decision on the Victorian Default Offer prices for 2024-25 in May 2024. The new tariffs have taken effect on 1 July 2024. Find out what the tariffs are by the tables below.
Default offer flat tariffs
The Victorian Default Offer flat tariffs include a daily supply charge and a usage charge (per kilowatt hour).
Residential customers (GST inclusive)
Distribution zone | Supply charge ($ per day) | Usage charge structure | Usage charge ($ per kWh) | Controlled load1 ($ per kWh) |
AusNet Services | $1.3354 | Block 1 (up to 1020 kWh used in a quarterly period) Block 2 (balance of usage in a quarterly period) | $0.3536 $0.3617 | $0.2512 |
CitiPower | $1.1673 | Anytime | $0.2575 | $0.1901 |
Jemena | $1.2105 | Anytime | $0.3054 | $0.2362 |
Powercor | $1.3163 | Anytime | $0.3045 | $0.2226 |
United Energy | $1.0955 | Anytime | $0.2884 | $0.2105 |
Small business customers with consumption less than 40 MWh per year (GST inclusive)
Distribution zone | Supply charge ($ per day) | Usage charge structure | Usage charge ($ per kWh) |
AusNet Services | $1.3354 | Block 1 (up to 1020kWh used in a quarterly period) Block 2 (balance of usage in a quarterly period) | $0.3837 $0.3945 |
CitiPower | $1.3583 | Anytime | $0.2529 |
Jemena | $1.4055 | Anytime | $0.3182 |
Powercor | $1.4594 | Anytime | $0.2797 |
United Energy | $1.2865 | Anytime | $0.2742 |
Default offer two period time of use tariffs
The Victorian Default Offer two-period time of use tariffs include a daily supply charge and usage charges (per kilowatt hour) for peak and off peak periods.
Residential customers (GST inclusive)
Distribution zone | Supply charge ($ per day) | Peak usage charge ($ per kWh) | Off peak usage charge ($ per kWh) | Controlled load1 ($ per kWh) |
3 pm to 9 pm (local time) everyday | all other times | |||
AusNet Services | $1.3354 | $0.4716 | $0.2512 | $0.2512 |
CitiPower | $1.1673 | $0.3446 | $0.2087 | $0.1901 |
Jemena | $1.2105 | $0.3870 | $0.2420 | $0.2362 |
Powercor | $1.3163 | $0.4052 | $0.2457 | $0.2226 |
United Energy | $1.0955 | $0.3830 | $0.2313 | $0.2105 |
Small business customers with consumption less than 40 MWh per year (GST inclusive)
Distribution zone | Supply charge ($ per day) | Peak usage charge ($ per kWh) | Off peak usage charge ($ per kWh) |
9 am to 9 pm (local time) weekdays | all other times | ||
AusNet Services | $1.3354 | $0.3953 | $0.2153 |
CitiPower | $1.3583 | $0.3145 | $0.1857 |
Jemena | $1.7271 | $0.3650 | $0.2009 |
Powercor | $1.4594 | $0.3739 | $0.2047 |
United Energy | $1.2865 | $0.3453 | $0.1969 |
1 Only if a controlled load or dedicated circuit is available with the customer.
Our price determination covers all types of standing offers, including those based on time-of-use, demand, and flexible tariff structures. More information on the framework we have used to determine the current Victorian Default Offer is contained in our final decision paper.
Our review of default offer prices for 2024–25
We published our final decision on the Victorian Default Offer prices to apply from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025 on 23 May 2024. See on this page the details of our decision-making process.
Want to act now?
If you want to find out more you can:
- call your electricity company and ask them whether the default offer is right for you
- find the best electricity offer for you on the Victorian Energy Compare website - the Victorian Government's free, independent energy price comparison tool.
If you have a complaint you are not able to resolve with your energy company, call the Energy and Water Ombudsman (Victoria) on 1800 500 509.
Got a question?
Contact us for more information.
Information in other languages
We have provided information about the Victorian Default Offer for energy customers from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.