We regulate program participants, eligible products and the creation of Victorian energy efficiency certificates (VEECs) under the Victorian Energy Upgrades program.
How we regulate the VEU program
The Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program helps Victorians reduce their energy bills and greenhouse gas emissions by providing access to discounted energy efficient product and services.
The Essential Services Commission regulates the program participants and administers the program in accordance with the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Act 2007 (VEET Act) and regulations. Our responsibilities include to:
- accredit persons who are able to create Victorian energy efficiency certificates (VEECs) under the program
- regulate persons who are able to trade in VEECs
- validate the creation of VEECs for registration
- administer the registration, transfer and surrender of VEECs
- approve energy efficient products and set performance standards for certain products that can be installed under the program
- monitor compliance with the VEET Act, regulations and guidelines, including the VEU code of conduct
- conduct assurance and compliance audits of accredited persons
- take enforcement action against regulated program participants
- issue shortfall statements to energy retailers and enforce energy efficiency shortfall penalties
- maintain electronic registers.
Our key goal is to safeguard the integrity of the program by maintaining confidence in the energy efficiency benefits delivered to consumers, and delivering a balanced, transparent and efficient program for participants. We do this by implementing an integrated risk-based framework to all our regulatory activities and regularly engaging with stakeholders to discuss improvements
View the legislation relating to the program page for more information.
Learn about our assessment process to register VEECS once they are created, using a risk based approach.
Learn about our audit, engagement, compliance and enforcement functions under the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program, using a risk-based framework approach.
Learn about requirements for products that can be installed under the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program, and how to use our Register of Products.
Learn about our decision making framework and decisions made since 1 January 2019. We use the framework to support good decision-making in the VEU program.
Review the determinations we have made for the program pursuant to section 36 of the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Regulations (2018)