View taxi fares when hailed from the street or a rank within Victoria’s 'metropolitan' and 'urban and large regional' zones, and access surcharges for all commercial passenger vehicles.
Commercial passenger vehicle prices
View maximum fares for taxis that are hailed on the street or caught from a rank within the ‘metropolitan’ and ‘urban and large regional’ zones in Victoria. Commercial Passenger Vehicle Victoria's map descriptions of Victoria’s taxi zones explain the zones boundaries. We review maximum taxi fares every two years.
In some cases, passengers paying for commercial passenger vehicle services electronically may involve a non-cash payment surcharge, which we determine every two years.
View maximum fares for unbooked taxis in Melbourne, Geelong, Ballarat, Bendigo, and the Mornington Peninsula.
The surcharge applies when a taxi passenger pays for a fare using non-cash payment transactions options, including credit, debit and charge card.