Melbourne Water price review 2026
We are preparing for Melbourne Water's new water prices to apply from 1 July 2026
We have provided Melbourne Water with guidance on what it should include in its price submission.
In early October 2025, Melbourne Water must provide us with a price submission outlining the prices it proposes to apply for a period beginning 1 July 2026. Melbourne Water must engage with its customers to inform its price submission. The price submission will also set out the service levels and value customers will receive.
Guidance to Melbourne Water
We released our guidance to Melbourne Water in November 2024, setting out the information it will be required to provide us in its October 2025 price submission.
The guidance paper explains our approach and methodology to assessing water businesses’ price submissions and making a price determination.
We have introduced the backward-looking 'Performance' element of PREMO, which holds a business accountable for its price and service commitments from the previous price review. As this is the second review under PREMO for Melbourne Water, which participated in the 2021 review, its price submission will need to demonstrate how it is building on the previous proposals to deliver great value to its customers.
Learn more about water price regulation
Read more about how we regulate the water sector.