Incorporating the needs and experiences of consumers experiencing vulnerability and First Nations people into regulatory planning and decision making.
Promoting effective and inclusive engagement
In preparation for the 2028 water price review, we organised a series of workshops to provide participants with an opportunity to learn from the different ways to consider and incorporate the needs and experiences of consumers experiencing vulnerability and First Nations people into regulatory planning and decision making. We heard from seven Victorian water businesses on their diverse approaches to effective and inclusive engagement, sharing valuable insights and lessons from their 2023/24 Victorian water price reviews.
The recordings available are resources for stakeholders to strengthen their inclusive engagement practices and uphold community confidence both now and into the future with First Nations communities and customers experiencing vulnerability.
Engagement with consumers experiencing vulnerability
On 31 October 2024, we held a session on effective and inclusive engagement with consumers experiencing vulnerability where participants gained valuable insights from Coliban Water, South Gippsland Water, and GWM Water. Key themes included accessible support for vulnerable customers, community-led engagement, data-driven feedback, cross-sector collaboration, and transparent customer-focused pricing strategies.
Engagement with First Nations people
On 14 November 2024, we held a session on effective and inclusive engagement with First Nations people and its communities where participants gained valuable insights from Gippsland Water, Wannon Water, Yarra Valley Water and Barwon Water. All presenters highlighted the importance of building relationships with First Nations and Traditional Owners as a vital step toward achieving outcomes of mutual interest.