Information for accredited persons and relevant entities about VEU assurance and compliance audits and auditing of annual energy acquisition statements.
VEU Audits
The Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Act 2007 (VEET Act) requires the following audits to ensure that those operating under the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program are complying with program requirements:
- Compliance and assurance audits: accredited persons must undergo an independent assurance audit at least once every two years. They may also be subject to compliance audits in certain circumstances.
- Annual energy acquisition statement audits: energy retailers (relevant entities) must have their annual acquisition statements audited prior to submission to the commission.
Assurance audits for accredited persons
Accredited persons in the VEU program must undergo an independent assurance audit at least once every two years. Assurance audits ensure accredited persons comply with regulatory standards and strengthen the program's delivery of cost-saving outcomes to Victorian consumers.
Assurance audits are a new requirement from 1 July 2024 under changes to the VEET Act.
Key information about assurance audits
- The commission will review and update the assurance audit schedule at least every 12 months.
- Accredited persons must use an auditor approved by the commission to conduct assurance audits in the 'List of independent auditors - compliance and assurance audits' on this page and cover the costs associated with the audit, including auditor fees.
- The audit scope seeks to balance the need for a representative activity sample size, with the cost and time impost on the accredited person.
Please note: Auditors on the 'List of independent auditors - compliance and assurance audits' have the relevant skills, competencies and qualifications, and have undertaken training or have sufficient program knowledge or experience to conduct these audits. However, the commission cannot guarantee the quality of their services.
Accredited persons should make their own assessment of an auditor’s suitability to conduct the relevant audit and report any concerns about the quality of services provided by auditors on the list to us at We will maintain the list of independent auditors and will remove an auditor from the list if they no longer satisfy requirements.
Current assurance audit schedule, scope and requirements
The current 'Assurance audit schedule' on this page covers from July 2024 to July 2026 and outlines the month when accredited persons can expect a notice requiring them to undertake an assurance audit. Please note: the schedule is subject to change - accredited persons whose assurance audits are brought forward will be notified by the commission.
Accredited persons will receive a notice of assurance audit that specifies the timeframe in which their assurance audit report must be provided to the commission. This will generally be approximately 3 months from the date of the notice of assurance audit.
The updated Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Guidelines (version 11) and frequently asked questions on this page provide more information about assurance audits, scope, requirements and expectations.
Compliance audits for accredited persons
Where the commission suspects non-compliance with the VEET Act or regulations made under this Act, accredited persons may be required to undergo a compliance audit.
Compliance audits can be undertaken by the commission or the accredited person may be required to appoint an auditor to undertake the audit. Accredited persons must use an auditor approved by the commission to conduct compliance audits in the ‘List of independent auditors – compliance and assurance audits’ on this page.
Annual energy acquisition statement audits for energy retailers
Energy retailers with scheme acquisitions (relevant entities) must have their annual acquisition statements audited prior to submission to the commission.
'Scheme acquisition' is defined in the VEET Act as the purchase for on-sale to prescribed customers in Victoria of electricity and/or gas from AEMO and/or gas from a producer, storage provider or interconnected pipeline operator.
Annual energy acquisitions statements must be audited in accordance with the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Guidelines and lodged with the commission annually by 30 April each year, or any later date allowed by the commission.
For the 2024 compliance year, the commission has extended this date to 30 June 2025.
Relevant entities must select an auditor that is approved by the commission to conduct annual energy acquisition statement audits in the ‘Approved auditor list – annual energy acquisition statement audits’ on this page.
More information
The Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Guidelines (version 11) were updated on 25 July 2024. Refer to Section 15 of these guidelines for information about annual energy acquisition statement audits and Section 16 of the guidelines for information about compliance and assurance audits.