Various space conditioning and shower rose upgrade activities are eligible under the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program.
Space conditioning and shower rose activities
This page provides information for accredited providers and scheme participants of the VEU program. To access consumer information on the program, please go to the Energy saving information for consumers page.
Space conditioning activities
This category covers:
- underfloor insulation (activity 12)
- double glazed window (activity 13)
- thermally efficient window product (activity 14)
- weather sealing (activity 15).
For weather sealing activity, there are eight distinct scenarios (activities 15A to 15H) available under this activity.
Low flow shower rose activity
Activity 17 involves replacing an inefficient shower rose with an efficient (low flow) shower rose.
The Victorian Energy Efficiency Target (VEET) Regulations introduces a six month transitional period for low flow shower rose activity. Until 9 June 2019, shower roses which meet the 2008 VEET Regulations product requirements (i.e. with a flow rate of 9 L/min or less) can be installed. However, premises which have previously received upgrades under the program will not be eligible for Victorian energy efficiency certificates (VEEC) claims.
From 10 June 2019, the ‘fresh start’ will commence for this activity. Only shower roses with a flow rate of 7.5 L/min or less will be eligible for installation from this date.
See the activity resources tab on this page for a detailed activity guide for the program requirements for creating Victoria energy efficiency certificates (VEECs) for above activities, together with VEEC assignment form templates which sets out the information which must be captured in the VEEC assignment forms for each of the above activities.
Get involved
If you are interested in undertaking any of these activities, you can either:
- work with an accredited person who is accredited to undertake these activities
- apply for accreditation or, if you are already an accredited person, apply for additional activity approval.
Get products listed on our register of products
Any product installed as part of this activity must be listed on our register of products at the time of certificate creation.
Go to the product applicants page for information on how to apply for a product to be listed on our register of products.
Activity resources
Use the following documents only for activities undertaken under the 2018 VEET Regulations (i.e. for activities undertaken from 10 December 2018).
Activity guide
Space conditioning assignment forms
Fact sheet - duplicate address checking tool
A trial duplicate address checking tool is now available for weather sealing, low flow shower roses and in-home displays that allows accredited persons to check whether Victorian energy efficiency certificates have been created at an address for these residential activities.
The below fact sheet provides more information about the tool, instructions and appropriate use.