This page summarises Melbourne Water's outcomes, measures and targets for the regulatory period 2021–26, and actual performance against these commitments since 2021-22.
Melbourne Water outcomes reporting
This page summarises Melbourne Water's outcomes, measures, and targets for the regulatory period 2021–26, and actual performance against these commitments since 2021-22.
More details are available on our outcomes reporting page.
What are outcomes?
Water businesses are accountable to their customers for delivering the outcomes set out in their price submissions, under our PREMO water pricing framework. Each business is required to report at least annually to its customers on:
- its performance against the specified measures and targets for each outcome
- an overall assessment of whether it has delivered on expectations for each outcome, including the business’s explanation for any performance shortfalls and how it intends to address them.
We have requested businesses also provide us with a summary outcome report document using a standard template. The self-assessments use a simple “traffic light” rating:
- green = achieved target
- amber = mostly achieved target
- red = failed to achieve target.
Melbourne Water's self-assessment against outcomes in 2023–24
Outcome | Self-assessment |
Access to safe and reliable water and sewerage services | Achieved target |
Melbourne’s environment, rivers, creeks and bays are protected and Melbourne Water’s greenhouse gas emissions are minimised | Achieved target |
Melbourne remains liveable as it deals with the impacts of climate change and population growth | Achieved target |
Melburnians are empowered to support the design and delivery of service outcomes | Achieved target |
Easy, respectful, responsive and transparent customer service | Failed to achieve target |
Bills kept as low as possible | Mostly achieved target |
Overall | Mostly achieved target |
Our observations on its 2023-24 performance
Melbourne Water’s self-assessment is reasonable, and its performance was solid, meeting 13 of its 18 output measure targets. While many of its measures are more technical than that of other businesses, it has used the commentary sections well to explain its performance. Melbourne Water reported it has not yet met its outcome 5 commitment ‘easy, respectful, responsive and transparent customer service’. Its output measures under this outcome are customer satisfaction survey ratings for each of its major service areas, with targets that are increasing over the period. While it has fallen short of its targets, it has engaged with its customers and identified opportunities to improve its customer services and customer satisfaction in the future.