Essential stories: Patrick from the Price Monitoring and Regulation team
06 February 2024
I'm a Project Manager in the Price Monitoring and Regulation team at the commission.
I have been lucky to have had the opportunity to manage diverse and challenging projects across the division. This includes our major review of waste and recycling services and our first complaint investigation in relation to the Port of Melbourne. I enjoy applying my skills to new and interesting matters and working collaboratively with stakeholders to deliver outcomes that really matter to Victorians.
The commission is a special place that has fostered a positive and supportive culture where staff are trusted. Staff are encouraged to develop their skills and take their careers to the next level. I've been able to keep developing even while I've been working flexibly from home to care for my son and newborn daughter. It's rare to find a place that offers a combination of interesting work, development opportunities and flexibility - plus the people are lovely!
Outside of work, I love nothing more than spending time with my family and learning to master my newly acquired coffee machine.
- Patrick, Project Manager
Patrick, Project Manager
The Essential Services Commission is made up of a diverse range of people who bring something unique to our workplace. In 2024, our 'essential stories' series showcases some of our team members and why the work they do here is important to them. Follow us on LinkedIn for regular 'essential stories' updates.