Essential stories: Ann from the Price Monitoring and Regulation team
29 January 2024
I’m a Senior Adviser for compliance and engagement in the Price Monitoring and Regulation team at the commission.
Before I was helping to regulate essential services, I was previously a teacher librarian and worked in mobile communication. A common thread in my career has been knowing that in any role, I can make a difference.
While I was at the Energy and Water Ombudsman Victoria, I had the opportunity to support the Essential Services Commission’s response to the Royal Commission into Family Violence. Developing water customer service codes to help vulnerable customers access hardship assistance programs was challenging but meaningful work.
I have since held various roles in both energy and water regulation at the commission and appreciate how our regulatory work keeps consumer vulnerability in mind.
When I'm not working, you'll probably find me reading a book. I have now been in the same book club with some of my best friends for over 20 years!
- Ann, Senior Adviser, Compliance and Engagement
Ann, Senior Adviser, Compliance and Engagement
The Essential Services Commission is made up of a diverse range of people who bring something unique to our workplace. In 2024, our 'essential stories' series showcases some of our team members and why the work they do here is important to them. Follow us on LinkedIn for regular 'essential stories' updates.