Consultation opens on service standards for electricity distributors connecting new housing developments
12 December 2022
The Essential Services Commission is inviting feedback on proposed customer service standards relating to the connection of power to new housing developments by electricity distributors, from March 2023 when the current standards expire.
The Greenfields Negotiated Underground Electricity Connection Customer Service Standards first came into effect in March 2021 to improve connection times and help people move into their new homes quicker while giving developers some certainty when investing in new housing developments.
Recent reports show that while the service standards have brought about improvements, some distributors are not achieving their performance measures, demonstrating a need for service standards to continue beyond the current expiry date.
The commission required electricity distributors to consult with developers when drafting new customer service standards that will apply for the three years to March 2026.
In the draft new standards provided to us, some distributors have proposed reporting on fewer metrics despite not meeting current performance levels.
While we anticipate each distribution business will negotiate different standards due to variations in their greenfields connection processes, their service standards must include:
an overarching customer outcomes statement setting out what each distribution business expects to deliver over the next three years in relation to negotiated connections This includes principles covering their engagement with developers
a requirement for a consultative committee that meets frequently to discuss improvements in negotiated connections
a performance reporting framework providing for reporting to the commission every six months.
Any interested parties can comment on the proposed standards by lodging a submission on the Engage Victoria website by 23 January 2023.