We have approved variations to contracts that describe obligations for electricity distributors and customers.
Deemed distribution contract variations review 2018
- Project started
- Project completed
Most Victorian customers are placed on a standard contract with their electricity distribution business, known as ‘deemed distribution contracts’. These contracts describe the obligations for both distributors and customers.
We have approved variations to these contracts after considering proposals from electricity distribution businesses.
The changes to the contract, and our final decision, are detailed in the Deemed Distribution Contract Variations: Final Decision. Copies of the varied contracts are attached below.The changes to the contract, and our final decision, are detailed in the Deemed Distribution Contract Variations: Final Decision. Copies of the varied contracts are attached below.Before making this final decision, we published a draft decision and invited submissions from interested stakeholders. The draft decision and submissions made in response are attached below.
The changes made to deemed distribution contracts by this decision serve to:
- remove references to old entities and legislation
- make the contracts easier to understand
- align the contracts with the current energy rules for connecting customers to the electricity network
- include obligations for customers with generators, such as PV, and battery storage systems.
All changes are listed in full, alongside the relevant parts of the old contracts, in the final decision paper.
Further changes were made in response to the attached submissions in the final decision. These submission relate to:
- increases in the use of household solar and battery storage
- menacing animals impeding safe access to customer premises
- access to alter any metering installation
- the notice period before disconnection.