The Land Access Code of Practice regulates land access by licensed electricity transmission companies.
Land Access Code of Practice
The Land Access Code of Practice came into effect on 1 March 2024.
The Land Access Code of Practice regulates the rules and processes that licensed electricity transmission companies (electricity transmission companies) must follow when accessing, or seeking to access, private land using statutory powers under the Electricity Industry Act 2000. It also regulates the information that licensed electricity transmission companies must provide to affected parties and other parties interested in land prior to entering into access agreements or accessing private land using statutory powers under the Electricity Industry Act 2000.
This code of practice has the following objectives:
- to balance the statutory right of electricity transmission companies to access private land to provide essential services, and the rights of those interested in the land who are affected by that exercise of power
- to regulate how electricity transmission companies access private land using powers derived from section 93 of the Electricity Industry Act 2000, where attempts to enter into an access agreement have been unsuccessful
- to establish conditions for electricity transmission companies when exercising powers under section 93 of the Electricity Industry Act 2000, including consultation and notice requirements
- to regulate information electricity transmission companies must provide to persons interested in the land prior to entering access agreements as an alternative to the use of access powers under section 93 of the Electricity Industry Act 2000
- to regulate ongoing reporting obligations of electricity transmission companies when accessing private land
- to promote the long-term interests of Victorian electricity consumers.
The code of practice applies to electricity transmission companies.
Current version of the Land Access Code of Practice
Land Access Code of Practice factsheet
Highlights from the Land Access Code of Practice

New rules apply
Electricity transmission companies will be subject to new rules under the Land Access Code of Practice which provides new obligations before, during and after land access.

Engagement and provision of information
The code of practice contains rules about how and when an electricity transmission company must engage with and provide information to landowners, occupiers and other parties interested in land.

Dispute resolution and complaints
The Energy and Water Ombudsman of Victoria is the independent third-party dispute resolution body nominated by the commission for matters related to section 93 access and compliance with the code of practice.
Land Access Dashboard
The Land Access Code of Practice requires the monthly reporting of performance data from licensed electricity transmission companies. The data from these monthly reports are published in the Land Access Dashboard.
The dashboard offers graphical representations of the monthly reporting data that transmission companies are required to report under the Land Access Code of Practice. It includes data on monthly access under access agreements and section 93, formal notices and complaints.
Reporting templates for electricity transmission licensees
Land Access Code of Practice information session
On 1 February 2024, the Essential Services Commission (commission) held an online information session where we provided an overview of the new, enforceable obligations under the Land Access Code of Practice that electricity transmission licensees must comply with from 1 March 2024. Electricity transmission licensees, the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), the Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner (AEIC) and VicGrid attended this information session.
A recording of the information session is available below:
The information session and the content of the presentation is available for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal or other professional advice. The information session provided a summary of some of the new land access obligations and is not intended to be relied upon as a complete reference to an electricity transmission licensee’s obligations under the Land Access Code of Practice.
While the commission has made every reasonable effort to provide accurate information, you should obtain professional advice if you ever have any specific concern before relying on the accuracy, currency or completeness of this information.